But, I have to admit she handled it admirably. She went and got all the medicines together, opened them and set them on the table beside the sofa. Last time she did it in the bedroom but I think she does not want Spyder to associate the bedroom to being hurt, so changing locations seems like a good idea. She also got the Q tips and put them on a plastic bag so there would be less contamination.
Spyder's eyes have an inflammation that produces a drainage, which gets very dry and sticks to the inner eye near the tear duct. This just blocks the tear duct and makes things worse.
Elizabeth has an old red nightgown, a very pretty color I might add. Contrary to what humans say, we can see some colors and red is one of them. Her night gown is made of soft t shirt fabric which stretches and she wraps it tightly around Spyder, but because it has some give to it, he is not so tight that he feels strangled. She holds him like a human baby and speaks gently to him in human talk, then she makes good kitten noises to him to soothe him. Soon he relaxes and does not struggle.
Then she has to wet the Q-tip and gently and slowly twirl it near where the drainage is built up. If the moisture drops havent softened it up then she has to add more drops. Finally when this is clear. Then she has to administer the prednisone drops. I heard her telling his she understood how it felt as she had to take this medicine herself and as I peaked around the corner I thought I saw a tear in her eye as she picked up the next bottle.
Now I know that next medicine must have burned had to hurt real bad because at one point Spyder called out, "ma ma". Elizabeth stopped and cradled and petted Spyder until his breathing was back to normal. She made all the right mama cat noises at him and he was soothed. I didn't know she knew so much of our language. I am pretty sure she doesn't know what she is saying but she sure can imitate the sounds well enough that it soothed Spyder almost to sleep. Unfortunately she had to open the other eye and put the antibiotic drop in there again.
When Elizabeth was finished she opened up the nightgown and gently lowered Spider to the floor. Ninja took the boy into the other room telling him what a master he was becoming. Spyder was very happy to hear that. Ninja told him he was proud of him, and someday he would be the perfect model of a cat. That made Spyder so happy that he initiated a game of tag right then and there. After they played they went to lie down and rest. Spyder is looking up to Ninja now and it is good.
Oh poor little Spyder. But we do know Elizabeth is doing her best for you. It's hard for her too.
Yes, it is :-(
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