We ran jumped on all da furniture. We slid cross da magazines on da table. Oops... all falled down! Summa dat magazine paper is reel tasty. I tells ya!
Even Ninja, he run round, too. But, he so fat, he no can catch me! When I sneak up behind him, he growl, all tuffy cat. How come he a ninja, but dont know I was sneakin' up on him. Huh? I ask him. He say, he pretend to know I sneakin' cuz he testin' me skills at sneakin' I not so sure I unnerstand what is a ninja, and what a ninja s'posed ta teach me.
But, my Ninja, he so smart. He know how teach me, by pretendin' he don't know. Cuz I dont know dat he know. Den he act surprise when I catch him! Very much fun today.
Ninja tell me, it cuz I don't know bout them fishies secret invisible sheilds they has. He say dat why he no bother ta chase them fishies, he say is no way ta catch em, not any. Cuz dey got invisible sheild fing. Dat why I cans see dem but not catches dem.
Bambi, she smile. She whisper ta me. She say, Yes, deres a way ta catch fishies. Ninja too big to know it, she say. He cants get up there. Ninja no has the flying no more. If he could use his old Ninja flyin' power, Bambi say, he be on top where dem fishies got no invisible sheilds.
I lookin' up dere. I been sittin' on da bench watchin' fishies ever since I come here ta live. I nver pay tention to dat lights fing before. Aha! Bambi right. They's a place to get up on there.
Ninja say, NO, don't do it. Will cause disturbance in family harmony. Will change good energy of fishie home. Beside, he say, Spyder got no balance yet. He too young.
I show him. I show him. I got goods balances! So, behind da TV I goes. Up on backa da top of TV I goes. Den jump down in little space tangle wires. Uh, Oh!!! Uh, Oh!!! Dem wires dey ketched me, dey not let go a me. I gotsa fight dem wires.
Bambi, sh
Me say, Help me, Bambi!!!
Bfore she jump down. Ninja, he shout.
NO! Stop dat right NEOW!!!
Bambi, she freeze. Me all sideways upside down. Den Ninja say. Take breath. Be limp like sock. I look at Ninja like crazy, but do what he say. He is Ninja. He knows fings! I go limp like sock, eben if those wires snag me foreever. But, Ninja, he right. I limp like sock and fall down. Ninja he say. Wires no feel struggle cat no more and wires let go. See? Easy! Ninja, he smart. I so glad. Neow, Ninja say, we all go lie down.
Once we hear him snore, we know is time ta go catch dem fishies. I say, I go first. Bambi say not good idea. She lead way. but I pass her by and go to top. Bambi say be careful. Too many plastics green things. But, too late. Dey all knock down on floor. I fink dey knows to fly. But not sure. I lookin' down at dem. Bambi say. Watch Out!
Uh, OH!!! Now I fall down. Oh no! I fall down inside fishie house! Get wet fast! I fly outta dere quicky quick. I all wet, even one fishie come fly wid me. Bambi ates him. Dat not fair! Dat my fishie! But, when lick me fur, dat okay. Me fur gots fishie taste all over. Yum!
When e
elixabet, she pick up all da plasty fingys looks like leaves, and put in big heavy bowl and put on top fishie house. Den she take cloth and wipe everyfing, all da splashes. Den she puts arms inside fishie house. What she gonna do? Catch us some fishies? She pullin up da lights. I jump up on bench. She say get down. Bambi say get down. Ninja say get down. Where he come from? No sleep no more. Huh!
Okay. I get down. elixabet take lots fings off toppa fishie house and leave open up. Bambi say dat how was when she first live here. But, Bambi go in dere alla time and elixabet cover it all up. but now it not cover again.
We gonna have fun tonight when she sleepin'!
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