The Monk came to visit us again this weekend, and brought some fresh tuna for Ninja. He craves it so. Those two have a very special bond. It is endearing to watch them interact, gentleman to gentleman. The Monk brings out the best in Ninja, and it seems Ninja is the happiest when "his" Monk is here to visit. I kept my royal distance and required the Monk come to me to make his appeals for my attention. But, this weekend I was not in the mood to grant him my royal presence. I was still quite disgruntled about our unwanted visitor the other evening.
Though Spyder thinks the Opossum is ugly, it still serves it's purpose in the circle of life. The Opossum is the only marsupial in this country. It is quite harmless to others unless severely provoked. Usually it just falls down and plays dead until the attacker loses interest. Some neighbor cats on the street behind us two blocks away even eat their meals with their opossum.
Miss E would never permit that. Even though Opossums are one of the cleanest wild animals and serve a very good purpose in our lives by cleaning up unnwanted debris in our yards, they also carry diseases which Miss E does not wish to have us exposed. And she certainly doesn't need to catch anything either! It is quite distressing for all of us each time she is ill. We do our best to heal her, but Spyder hasn't learned the techniques yet and is quite unfocused.
The Monk and Miss E worked so hard, when they came in we all crowded around them and sniffed them all over to give them comfort and praise them for a job well done.
Diseases carried or spread by Opossums:
relapsing fever,
herpes virus,
spotted fever,
Chagas Disease,
yellow fever,
and rabies (rarely).
They are important reservoirs for leptospirosis (hemorrhagic jaundice) in wildlife and humans.
1 comment:
I had no idea you could catch so much from a wild animal. :shock: Best keep a distance.
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