I was such a naughty girl today! Santa Cat is not going to like that, I'm sure!
I love to waits by the front door whenever anyone comes in or goes out. I have practiced sitting back and pretending that all I am interested in is greeting people when they arrive. But, today I made a run for it!
It is fruitless for Mom to call me. Why does she think I would come to her when I've just gotten my freedom to be naughty?
I likes to roll around on the sidewalk and in the dirt I just runs away and laughs at her. It reminds me a song I once heard:
"You can't catch me, I'm the Gingerbread Man".
But, Mom, she surprise me. Unlike other times she didn't bother to come outside and frantically try to get back into the house. That's always been part of my fun in escaping.
Today, Mom just gave up and let me go roll on the sidewalk and run around the side yard and leap over the fence. Well. I mean, I couldn't leap over the fence this time. In fact I couldn't even climb it. I've gotten a little too much extra fluff on me to be able to do that! So annoying! Mom calls me her "Butterball". Today Mom said she wasn't going to waste her time trying to tempt me to come in. She didn't even go open a can of food and tap on it with the spoon. She said she wasn't going to "participate in such a fiasco" and Can you believe it? She shut the door on me!!!
That sure put a damper on my spirits. After all, half the fun of running out the door is getting Mom to play with me. I really make her work for it, too. Really make her have to go after me and entice me. It's always fun to see what she will do.
She always circles around behind me, always goes to great lengths to pretend she's not after me. Just as soon as she gets near me, I run for the bushes. Then she comes to the bushes and gets down on her hands and knees kissing the air and begging for me to come out. I act like I'm going to come to her. Just when she has her hand right near me, I run right past her! "Ha! Ha! You can't catch me I'm Queen Bambi!"
You should see her trying to get up from behind the bushes! Tee hee!
Now, now... don't go worrying about me. I'm not going to run away. Not really! I'm not going to run down the street like that time in the middle of the night when Mom followed me into the neighbor's yard wearing only her nightgown and bare feet. She fell down when I ran up the tree and I felt so sorry, I have never done that again. Plus, as usual those doggies next door set up to barking like banshees whenever I'm outside. I can't figure out how they know! Maybe it's the jingle bell on my collar?
I hope Santa Cat will give me some extra points for being a good girl. I didn't stay out long this time. My mousemates followed me from window to window watching me, and it was no fun without Mom. So, I came back to the front door and meeowed to come in like a good girl. I didn't even roll in the dirt either. That should count for something.
Ever since I came back in I have been following Mom around the house, and climbing up on her every time she sits down, and rubbing my face all over her to let her know I'm sorry for distressing her. I can't promise not to do it again. But, I did want to make it up to her by giving her all that loving.