I recently spoke at the Science Fiction Convention (Adams Mark Hotel) over fourth of July weekend. First, I led a group meditation. Then, a panel on developing psychic abilities, and another on the Goddess (pagan perspectives).
Two more for which i was recruited to participate spur of the moment were "Ghosts" and "Crystal Energy". I'm not a supporter of crystals, and if I am asked to do a presentation on the subject next year, I would love to have a knowledgeable geologist at my side to discuss the science and realities of rocks and their "energies".
I do believe that certain stones do have a measurable electrical field, Magnets for example? Crystals were used in the 1930's for radio transmission. But, I also believe that a lot of magickal practices I do are based on simple psychology as well as self affirmations and effective fantasy put to good use.
I like rocks and have a large collection